Tim Cook tweets congratulations to Australia but uses NZ flag – CNET

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Tim Cook tweets congratulations to Australia but uses NZ flag

Australia’s nation-wide vote on marriage equality resulted in favour of gay marriage on Wednesday. Cook tweeted in celebration — but used the wrong flag.

Wednesday morning was big for Australia. The country’s Same Sex Marriage survey result was announced, with a 61 percent vote in favour of same-sex marriage.

Apple CEO Tim Cook congratulated Australia on the vote, tweeting that it was “another important step toward equality for all.” His faux pas? Cook then added an emoji of the New Zealand flag.


Twitter screenshot by Daniel Van Boom/CNET

He quickly deleted his original tweet, and uploaded a new one with the correct flag. On one hand, the flags look almost identical to the untrained eye. On the other, Australians are all trained to see that difference, and consider the mixup a slight on our sovereignty.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics said 61.6 percent of survey voters gave a tick to marriage equality, though the result, unlike a referendum, is nonbinding. Following the result, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said it was now Parliament’s job “to get on with it and get this [legislated] before Christmas.”

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Cook is no stranger to voicing his opinion on public matters. Coming out as gay in 2014, he’s often vocal on matters of diversity and inclusion, and has also pledged to make Apple a greener and more charitable company.

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