Does Modern Technology Affect Teens?

A teen wants to help change the world and make it a better place to live. He wants to be a contributor to peace, economic reforms, the improvement of public services and many other aspects of the society. To him, the best way to contribute to these changes is through modern technology.
Before the advent of the computer, the teens spent much time and effort in using their manual typewriters and had headaches in using erasing liquids, retyping their works, crumpling their papers and throwing them to the baskets. The computer changes this. Now, these teens have ease in encoding their reports, making changes and erasures and print the final work. It shortens their time, saves a lot of money for supplies and helps create presentations that wowed their teachers.
If the computer affects the teens, the internet catapulted the teens in greater heights. The internet revolutionized the way teens look at the world and the future. Through the internet, the teens are able to do research using the available engines resulting to earlier submission of their reports, assignments and other school requirements. Most of all, it gives them the opportunity to interact with other teens and discuss relevant issues making them mature and real decision makers. The internet allows them to post comments and suggestions to various organizations, government agencies and other concerned personalities. If before the teens had a hard time to criticize government leaders for their shortcomings, modern technology had encouraged them to speak up and be counted. The teen wants to be heard, and they got it!
Another technological breakthrough is the cell phone. Almost every teen owns a cell phone, some the lesser types, others the most advanced ones. The cell phone gives them access to persons they want instant contact, be it due to emergency, on issues that need urgent responses or mere social calls. Some tv networks had programs allotted for public announcements and interactions, and these teens express their criticisms, observations and requests for positive actions from the government, Problems are now attended to, thanks to the teens and their cell phones.
Modern technology is so engrossing that a teen feels helpless in accomplishing his daily tasks without the necessary gadgets, equipments and tools. Try imagining of a day that a teen has to be late because he must go to the library but has no way of informing his parents except to scamper to the nearest public phone which might be congested of callers. Or he has to find his way over dusty bookshelves to look for the needed book. What about those teens who are really shy to stand up during forums, and instead will opt to keep silent with a big idea buzzing in his head. What a pity!
These teens really want a change, and modern technology is the answer. But these teens must see to it that in order to help make a better future, they have to use technology for the common good. They must now allow these high-tech tools to enslave them, but rather, utilize modern technology to its fullest for the good of mankind.

Source by Sushil Kumar Singh Raghav


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